Tuesday, May 31, 2011

May 31st, 2011

The wedding went off without a hitch and everyone loved the cake! I feel very accomplished now and am feeling much better about being able to complete a large task like that again! I had so much fun this weekend! The bachelorette party Friday, Rehersal dinner Saturday (bar afterwards) and the wedding Sunday (bar afterwards)and Kariann's grandpa's 90th bday party in Troy MT yesterday. 3 solid days of drinking with every little sleep (I have a hard time sleeping when I am on in my bed). The girls that went out Friday didn't go out Saturday (Which were all the bridal party) except me so I got props from the guys for that. Lol. I am feeling it now though. Lol. Good thing I only work 2 days this week. Lol.

It's back to the gym tomorrow. I need to get back into routine again and get the rest of this weight off. Even with losing all that weight I was still a fat bridesmaid. It sucks but oh well. I can't compete with anorexia. Ok, I am going back to bed now. I hope everyone is doing okay. I can't leave comments but I am reading your blogs!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

We're down to the wire here people!

Lol. I can't believe its already Tuesday! Yikes! I gotta make frosting tomorrow and start making modeling chocolate balls... and Erica! I remember now... you have to use special food coloring that is made with cocoa butter since most food coloring is made with water and that is what causes it to sieze. I rememberin in the shower a couple days ago. Lol. So, I made a trip to freaking Spokane yesterday so I could go to the cake store and they are closed on Mondays.. just my luck. Plus I went to the valley mall to get sticky tape to hold my dress to my chest at Vicky Secrets... and bought sparkly spray and glittery purple eyeliner. Lol. And went to David's Bridal cuz my mom bought me a tattoo covering makeup kit and she was convinced that I couldn't figure it out by the directions. Sigh. They just told me to wipe the skin with rubbing alcohol first then follow the directions. Waste of gas that trip was. Oh well. Got my eyebrows waxed too. I have to let them grow for about a week before I wax or the hair doesn't stick so I look like a bushman for sure!

Just a few more days and the craziness and stress will be over. They leave for their honeymoon on the 1st or 2nd and we are keeping their 2 cats and 2 dogs for the week they will be gone. Lol, just imagine... 6 cats, 3 large dogs, and 2 humans. We are going to be completely overrun and outnumbered. Lol. It's going to be fun. I love their animals I just hope the cats will tolerate eachother for a week. : )

Well, I probably won't have time to blog until the weekend is over but I might find a minute or 2 here and there.

Have a good one ladies!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

The end of the world...

... didn't happen. Lol. I baked for 11 hours today. All layers for all tiers and all cupcakes have been baked! Now it is time to stress about how and where I will be frosting the cake. If I am frosting it here then I will be stressing about transporting the cake. I think it will be safer to frost it there on Friday when everyone else is decorating the venue. Yes. I think that is what I will do. Thanks for listening. Lol.

I think my hair turned out cute. My mom doesn't like my bangs but I don't care. I wanted them and I like them. She tries to run my life and I am sick of it. She now has to make some yellow cupcakes and she is going to frost them with chocolate when all my cupcakes will be frosted white and I already have 5 dozen and I don't need anymore. Why? Why does she need to add to MY project? UGH! It's so annoying.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Beauty day for Bre!

I am so stinking excited to get my hair done today! I am getting highlights and lowlights I think. I don't really know. I just know I need a hair update!

Started baking the cake layers yesterday. I had to go out last night and buy a 12 inch round pan since I had a 10. Opps. Gotta love the 40% off Michaels coupons. Got it for less than $8! But I figure I can start baking then freezing and I won't get so overwhelmed. I am going to start making the frosting too. I have some huge buckets I brought home from work so I can store it.

Was looking on my school portal... looks like school might owe me $3500! I called and they will do an audit on it since I just graduated and it will take a couple weeks but I might be getting a check! It would allow me to pay off my credit cards and save the rest for loan payments as those will start in 6 months!

OH Erica! I found the modeling chocolate recipe in my book. It says 1 lb of chocolate to 8 oz of glucose or a 2:1 ratio. Melt chocolate and heat up the glucose to the same temp as the chocolate. Mix well and then seal in an airtight container for at least 1 hour then knead it to a workable consistancy. Is that the same recipe you have? I remember it being very oily too! And maybe sticky after it warmed up from handling it.

Oh man. It is really hard for me to want to get out of bed when I have 3 sleeping kitties either on me or laying on the bed. Plus a big dog laying right next to the bed. I don't want to disturb them. But I want to start getting ready for the day. : )

Have a wonderful day today ladies! I hear the end of the world is tomorrow so we better party it up tonight and go out with a bang! Lol.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

And the countdown begins...

... 11 days until the rehersal dinner. 12 days to the wedding. I am going to start baking cake layers on Thursday.

So... I was BAD and totally went shopping today. I found the most perfect silver shoes for the bridesmaid dress so I got that today... that now makes 3 pairs of shoes I have bought for the dress. The black peep toes are just not the comfortable so I bought some super cute wedges but cork doesn't really good and the material is like a white and black snake skin pattern but their is alot of silver bling on the front and todays shoes are sliver with a little half bow on the toe strap with some rinestones. 4 inch heels and totally comfy. Got those at Kohl's. Then went to Ross because I wanted a pair of capri jeans to wear for summer, got a pair, a pair of jean shorts, a pair of workout shorts and a really cute dress thing that can be worn about 5 different ways so I decided to wear that and the wedges to the rehersal dinner. OH! and I bought some new underwear! I haven't bought new underwear since I lost weight so its been very loose and very ridey (if you know what I mean...) and they are just so worn with holes and faded and it was time! So, yeah... Bre kinda splurged today but I deserve, and need, some new clothes that actually fit. And my capris are a size smaller than what I am wearing now in jeans! Yeah, I hate being inbetween sizes but the 14's fit better than the 16's. I LOVE LOVE LOVE being out of 24 pant size and out of the 2X's in shirts! It's a wonderful feeling and I have Erica and Mia to thank for getting my journey started!!!

Alright ladies. It's time for bed. I hope the week is starting off wonderfully for each of you!

Good night!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Oh Sunday...

Well, yesterday was my birthday. My mom and I went out to lunch and to the movies and we had Coldstone for my birthday cake. I don't want or need a birthday cake. I made one just to test out a new frosting recipe from a banana cake I had in the freezer. I gave it to my gym instructor. Lol. His eyes got so big and he had a big smile on his face. I know I will always have a taste tester in him. Lol. I made ganache with tollhouse chips and it came out SO much better than previously when I used generic chips. So Friday evening I went to Costco (with my mom's card, thank you self checkout!, they never knew it wasn't her) and bought a 50 lb bag of powdered sugar and a huge bag of tollhouse chips. I hate buying in bulk but I will go through that in no time. Lol. It's hard to believe that my brother is getting married in 2 weeks. It will be nice when it's all over with! I am stressed about making the cake. I just want it to be perfect. I am thinking about making a bunch of modeling chocolate and coloring it grey and crimson and rolling little balls to use at the bottom border insead of shells or something like that. I think it will be more fun. Ok, I really gotta go to bed now!

Love to you all!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Freaky Friday the 13th!

Well, I really have been trying to blog for a couple days now but blogger has been down so I couldn't.

Been housesitting all week for my old bosses. They come back tomorrow. I will be excited to not have to live to end of Hayden every day. But it's been pretty peaceful out here and nice to have my own living space. They have 2 dogs and 2 cats.

Sweetwater Bakery decided to keep me on so that is exciting. I am going to fill out an application today for Latte Lane on Best and 4th for a part time job. Tomorrow is plasma day, exercise and my birthday. Mom and I are going to see Water for Elephants go out to eat and have icecream from Coldstone as my birthday cake. We don't want or need anymore cake. I am going to frost a frozen banana cake I have in the freezer to try out that new frosting recipe that Erica gave me. Then I am going to give it away. I got butter flavored crisco to try... we'll see what it's like. Lol.

Been working out all week and my quads are killing me today! We really worked our legs yesterday. I did 80 lbs on this seated row type machine yesterday (works your arms you start up high and bring your arms down and touch shoulder blades) I thought I was going to die but pushed the limits anyways. The instructor, Nate, was like can you do that the entire time. He is funny and I think I have a bit of a crush on him. Lol. He is the owner's brother, but only 26. I am going to be an old lady tomorrow... geez. How depressing.

Well, I heard my laundry buzz so I better fold it and then get in the shower so I can get this day moving!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Oh man...

I've been neglicting my blog. Sorry ladies! This past weekend was my sis in laws graduation from WSU so we were in Pullman this weekend. I am now house/dog sitting for my old bosses while they are out of town until Saturday. Tonight was my first day back at the gym since Thursday! Yikes! Yesterday was bunco so I missed kickboxing. I started tanning on the 1st so I am not so horribly white for the wedding. I got my new bridesmaid dress on Friday and I finally got to try it on today. It's too big in the chest but if I get some double sidded sticky tape and just tape it down it should be fine since its not enough to justify spending even more money and getting it altered. After my last alteration journey I'm afraid it's going to cost as much as the dress again. Lol. It hits right at the knee so that is good, it looks super short on the hanger. I need to get started on making the wedding cake layers and I can just freeze them until its time. I need to make that last banana cake I have in the freezer with that new buttercream recipe I have to see how it handles. The Sweetex shortening is $75 for 50 lbs so I didn't get it as I will never use that much and the shelf life is only 8 months. Crisco it is. Fingers crossed it all works out beautifully and I can stop stressing about it. Well, I really need to get to bed but I wanted to say hello and I am still alive just really busy with life and the wedding! 19 days and it's all over.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Awwhhh... it's my weekend. : )

Laying in bed. Gonna make my frosting in a bit then let it rest for a few hours before I start frosting my cupcakes. We are not going to the BBQ now but I will still make some to take down since there will be 6 of us, they will get eaten. Lol. Just making 2 dozen now. It's Cinco de Mayo today. I thought I would try Mexican Food Factory. My friend that got married in Feb worked there for like 6 years and said they have good food and I have never eaten there in all the years that I have lived there! We shall see how much time I have. I have my workout classes beginning at 4:45 and ending at 7 and then I have to go to my old bosses house to get final directions as I start housesitting for them this weekend. Lots of things going on this month. I sure hope I can find a job too. I have a couple places to stop at today as well. Fingers crossed.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


In a good mood today... weird since TOM showed his ugly face this morning. I don't have to work tomorrow which is gonna be so nice! My mom and I are headed to Pullman on Friday for my future sister-in-laws graduation from WSU VetMed program. What could be more perfect for a vet than our last name? Dr. Ruff. Lol. I am going to make cupcakes and decorate them like cats and dogs. I also learned how to do sunflowers and ladybugs and daisies at work so I will decorate some of them like that as well... there is a big BBQ for all the students and their families.

My mom is stopping a week early so that she can eat this weekend and then maintain until the wedding. She had lost 29.2 as of yesterday morning! She did so awesome and I am very proud of her. : ) I am excited that we will be able to eat together again. Hopefully it will get me back on track. I am staying the same weight so I am not too worried about it but I need to stop eating everything! Lol.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Horrible horrible day

Found out today that Sweetwater isn't going to hire me on since they haven't picked up in business for the summer. So, Wednesday of next week I won't have a job anymore. I came home and my dog ate my mother's day present for my mom and now I can't afford to buy her anything else. I can't afford to buy the supplies I need to make my brother's wedding cake and I can't afford to pay my bills. I seriously hate my life. I want a new life. I am sick of having to fight tooth and nail for anything and everything. Why can't something go right for me? I can't deal with anything more.