Sunday, February 6, 2011

R3 P3 Sunday.

Yep. Didn't weigh myself again this morning. Probably won't tomorrow either. My friends took me out to breakfast. My old manager wants to take me out to dinner on Monday night and another friend wants to go out to eat before I go to but I am running out of days. I can't wait to be back in Idaho and get back on protocol. I like eating healthier for sure and can't wait to have time to exercise. I can't wait to be done with my classes. Monday is the last day I have to go to school and after that I can just email my chefs for attendance! Im glad they are so cool about it. It is allowing us to get get to Idaho a day early and allowing us to start in the morning rather than waiting until I got out of class.

Went out drinkin' last night. Lol. It was so much fun though. I needed that. I definitely can't do nights like those very often. I'm getting too old! Lol.


  1. lol, don't ask don't tell huh? i ate a lot of cottage cheese yesterday (it was about to go bad, and since i saw that i stalled with it on the drops i didn't eat it) and now i feel all "fluffy" lol!

  2. I'm glad you're having a good time w/ friends before you come back to Idaho.♥
