Friday, March 11, 2011

R4 VLCD Day 11

So, I was bad last night and had Panda Express with a guy. Gained .4 this morning. I hope that is all but tomorrow will tell. I will be going to the gym today and will work extra hard to make up for it.

School is getting itself worked out so I don't have to fret over that anymore. Thankfully. Now I just have to find another externship site for my 2nd term. Sweetwater doesn't want to do it since they are slow and cant for sure give me hours. It sucks but what I am going to do. I can't force them. My friend Andy owns Pastry and More so I will go there today and talk to him. Fingers crossed I find something soon!


  1. Uh oh, lol, Panda Express isn't protocol. ;) Hope you had a good time w/ the guy. Was it a date?
    I'm glad you don't have to stress about school anymore. Whew! Bummer about sweetwater, hopefully Pastry and More can help you out. Do you have to intern at an actual bakery or could you work in a grocery store bakery?

    Hang in there, girly♥

  2. It was a kind of date I guess. The third one with this guy. He is very nice.

    I could do a grocery store but most wont hire me with a felony on my record. Sigh.
