Monday, October 18, 2010

P3 Day 12

Steak really is my magic food. Had eggs with cheese, jello and applesauce for "breakfast" and steak and pudding for dinner and I lost 1.4 lbs which put me right back to my LDW! It's incredible. Well, it's Monday. Which means it's really my Friday... I have tuesday off for this week and wednesday off for next week... work schedule is wed thru tues. But I am still working 6 days and this next week I have 41.5 hours. At this rate I will have all my move home money saved and be able to afford to get my family some presents. : ) Hopefully! Well, It's time to get finished getting ready. Have a wonderful day everyone!


  1. Isn't it amazing how our weights go right back to LDW? Yesterday I was up 1.6 lbs, and this morning I was down 2 full pounds, putting me .4 under my LDW. I've been up and down but always come back to normal. Crazy! I like the idea that once I'm off the diet for good, I don't have to obsess over the scale anymore. It's good to know that we can eat "normal" food eventually and not have to count calories for the rest of our lives. You are doing so good Bre!

  2. Great job Bre!! I'm glad that steak works so well for you to get you back to your LDW. Sounds like you're stabilizing exactly like you should be....which means it's a permanent loss.
    Hope you're getting some good sleep. =)

  3. I fell asleep about 8:30pm and was up and down but I feel like I go more sleep. It stinks because I even took a sleeping pill and even those aren't working very well. Oh well.
