Thursday, October 28, 2010

R2 Loading day 1

My official weight today is 225.6. I guess my body does not like jerky. Note to self for future! I am ready to eat! Woohoo!!! Have a great day ladies!!


  1. Well at least you know about the jerky. =) I LOVE beef jerky...but all the kinds I keep finding are loaded w/ sugar and high fructose corn syrup. Booo! I haven't checked the health food stores yet.

    Have a great time loading today!!!!

  2. I love beef jerky too! Maybe I shouldn't have eaten the entire bag... Lol. My stomach was so full day... I haven't eaten anything since noon and it's almost 11pm and I am STILL full! Candy doesn't really appeal to me anymore! Woohoo! Chocolate chip cookies are gross now! I love it!
