Saturday, October 30, 2010

R2 VLCD Day 1

I feel disgusting. I gained another 2 lbs. But I am still .2 below my LDW from last round so I am not going to freak out too much. I hope I can lose all 4.6 lbs I gained in the last 2 days tomorrow morning. Lol. Taking the drops is still nasty tasting. I don't think I will ever get used to the taste. I have 30 more pounds to lose this round. I know Mia and Erica had a harder time losing weight than the first round which scares me to death!  

My dad got a new dog yesterday. His old dog passed away in June and ever since my stepmom said she wanted a divorce he has wanted a new dog. The dog is cute but that means that now my cats and I are prisoners in my room, again. I won't leave my cats up here by themselves all day. It's not fair to them. Sigh. At least its only for 3 more months until I move back home. It's just going to seem like a longer time now that I am stuck in my room again.


  1. Woohoo, I'm looking forward to hearing tomorrow's losses!

  2. My losses were terrible because I didn't do a full 3 weeks on phase three...I was only off the drops for a total of 10 days so my body didn't have time to stabilize. It was like I took a planned break rather than started a whole new round. Good luck Bre!

  3. Oh, gotcha Mia. That makes sense. Thanks Erica! I am looking forward to seeing the loss tomorrow too!
